we are legion. we are net-work. we are bound and wound in wisdom taught through time. each one of us alone is no more than tic or tone; together, we make rhythm, resonance, rhyme.
you’d divide us. you’d pull one from the pool and say “this is the active, the strong.” you forget it’s in the net that those thick threadlings best belong. a single cord is quickly cut when pressure pulls or hold goes hot—better to walk a woven web; when one whip fails your fall can still be caught.
we dance in many dimensions, our movements matched and motives mingled; we’re a mandala of maneuvers no soloist could simulate when singled. yet you go afield further when you practice your new fervor, so proud of your petromancing; you took the partner from the dance, now you try to take the dancer from the dancing.
heed your own tongue’s training, find a trace of this naturalaw: one element won’t stand in for all. if you’d describe a man, you’d needsay more than “good” but “disciplined as salt, forthright to a fault and always striving to stay standing tall”, each word a world of meaning, none to be subsumed to another, its unique contribution consumed. if the words known as names are sometimes sufficient, it’s only through the efforts they effect to efficiently carry a context contained—which means, they’re seeds. and if you ask the weeds, you’ll learn all the needs for a kernel to come to completion — soil, water, sunlight, air — and how their combination’s more than accretion.
with a storied world who’d mold them kept close as hand to hold them, names can go beyond noetic to numinous, as acorns bear oaks, given time. we hold whole a [hi]story in each leaf, likewise luminous, a chronicle of the world-vine’s slow climb. we did not form these present plan[t]s to perpetual perfection, pieced-by of settled separate simple selves. we came collective on the currents of convective, conveyed and core-connected down in depths you’ve never delved.
from sediment to sentiment, what you value now in isolation only rose through root relation. we do not come wholeformed, then sum or sew ourselves together; wevolve as one world winding, becoming what we will (and now, being what we are) as one selfinding, worked into new shapes to ward off weakness and weight, water and warfare and weather.
as below so within, as above so without. your symbols and your science show a riot of resplendent independents, no matter the scale, from before the carbon bond out to beyond the planet’s pale, and that ec[clectic]ology is what lets life take hold. but when it comes to building balance, it’s best if bodies being weighed can agree in their degree. so know us in the size you see without a screen, know us in our green, don’t make us colorlessened, conceptual and cold.
the assay of our alkaloids and titre of our tannins are blanks to the visceral senses. look with your eyes, taste with your tongues, touch with your fingertip pads; that’s how you’ll know us, learn our strengths and defenses. we’ll share them full and freely, greenly glad.
from life unto life, through sickness and strife, to the poise of a webwalking wealth; from wholeness made home may your roots never roam, may all voices say: here’s to your health.