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Whim the Weedwise teaches, “follow your first name, the one was never given you, the one before the game. (she means the game of yes and no, of black and white; the game of here and there, and now and then, and day and night.)

“as Osiris and Set are both caught in one Net, so may you come to see how your I and your Me are as much moon as muscle, no more psyche than sun, at least as far finished as but barely begun. you knew that name when you were glinting from your father’s eye; you know it now when hinting how you hope your honey’s coming by. as animal, as actual, as DNA and design, your fate is no more factual than the shortest route’s a line. this world is spread thick with spirals, as Pythagoras and Pisa and Fibonacci all found, and others since (which means, as much, before) have [r]overseen and un[der]wound.”

Whim is not so limber as the once she was, but she knows as well now as ever she did what the denial of desire does. “straightforward’s not the swiftest when you look to make a darling of a dame. that’s why i tell you, little nipper: be at least as nimble as you’re noble; know your nature, know your name.”

Published inwithout center