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Month: January 2011


a sandgrain salts the lion’s rosary, renders him wraith on an endsummer night: Monday, 2:16am, when silent reflections recoil by reflex into sovereign’sight. minky starshine phrases the air into a sanguine vexation, ’til the requiemix sets the five-year eve free by the…

a sky of clouds

one sky is a measure, grown smaller by the city and the sitting in a stillnessurrounded by motions of metal among masses married to the illness they are marred by, one they’ve carried into higher and higherises—but clouds are not brought closer…


my oldest friend, there’s a vent behind the library where the homelessometimes sleep. when it’s daylight you can look down through the grate to darkenedeep. at night, in the colder seasons, steamist builds there into billows, and all the huddled indistinct pull…


she’s a girl who knows the right time for bricks. she’s got a bag of concrete, and she needs no other tricks. aggressively near-naked is her uniform for warring—she spent enough time dressing up when she was newborn, low-built, boring. she’s got…