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Author: ryn


it’s about rhymes. it’s about slightly s[h]ifted echoes of the times we used our hands (for steadier, they were, than feet) to stake our claims and take our stands. but we don’t stay still for long; some of us study the Fleet,…


on steam, on shreds of dream, through air, through stripe and stare, comes (flickering, fluttering, flowering, flying) the drifter who dances with the dying. from dim and distant draws he nearer, nower, closer, clearer; settles on a line of sight, stretches slowings…


“she takes me by the seams, she does, this girl i keep dreaming, and some of me is sated by my somnolence’seeming.” CandorfĂ©a connects the dots she’s doodled on her pad, considers them constellarized and frowns – the news is bad. (she’s…